Volunteering Non-Profits Einzelheiten zu gemeinnützigen Organisationen

About Teach First Deutschland

Below is an overview of the projects we are supporting on the platform, their status as well status updates for projects that have been funded

our Team

Our Values

At Teach First Deutschland we believe that every child should be given the opportunity to fulfil their potential and become a successful member of our society, regardless of their social background. This is why we find and nurture leaders who commit to expanding opportunity for low-income students, beginning with a two-year commitment as TFD ‘Fellows’ at a public school: We recruit and train university graduates of various academic fields to work as so-called Fellows (i.e., teaching assistants) at schools in underprivileged neighborhoods. Teach First Deutschland-Fellows support students, especially at crucial junctions in the education system – pivotal to their future. Their impact in the classroom can shape the trajectory of the students' lives and further careers. As confidants and counsellors, Fellows go beyond traditional expectations to advance students’ academic and personal growth while helping to strengthen their schools.

Every child in Germany receives great education independent of their starting conditions. Thus, we find people, who change the world. We encourage them to lead students to success and to stand up for educational justice.

Teach First Deutschland was founded in 2008 and has since then placed fellows every year in schools all around Germany. In 2021/22, we placed 164 fellows in six federal states.

No Poverty
Quality Education
Decent Work And Economic Growth
Reduced Inequalities
Partnerships For The Goals

Our Projects

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Our Achievements

Open Projects
Successful Projects